YGDA Ch 35

Chapter 35 – Believe it or not, I am a God. What are you going to do about it?

There’s a gangplank that leads to the ship deck so Renya and his party try to embark on the mysterious ship.

The ship was made from metallic material that covers even the entire deck. Just from a glimpse, it is clear that this sophisticated ship was not something that can be made by the current world technology.

And then there is also that bizarre ‘bridge’ which is not designed as a usual ship’s bridge but a luxurious grand western manor which baffles Renya and party even more. Frankly said, this ship is created by literally combining a ship and a mansion. Even this was just exactly what they want, transportation mean and home base combined, the idea of combining a large ship with a mansion is just something too bizarre for them.

“Well, for starter let’s check the interior”
“I agree desu, let’s look around first to get a better understandings desu”

With that decided, Renya and his party opened the mansion door to get inside. The mansion part itself is more or less a normal western styled manor. From the outside, the mansion design is the epitome of a western styled manor according to Renya’s knowledge. The architecture technique is based on this world technology.
Almost all of the outer design is rather normal but there is an elongated window on the building third floor which seems rather out of place.

Renya and his party carefully enter the mansion. The inside of the mansion is also something that they expected, a spacious hall with stairs at the center that lead to the second floor and doors at both sides. There is no ceiling in the first floor main hall so they also can see second floor layout from where they are now.
They split around checking the mansion interior but it seems that all the doors are locked. They can’t explore the mansion interior further because of the locks.

“With all the door locked we can’t explore further. Shall I break through one?”
“Whoa whoa hold it, in this kind of situation isn’t it more plausible to search every nook and cranny for keys?”

This goddess is just too simple minded is what Renya thought while try stopping Floria from destroying the place. He then starts to search around for suspicious places and in-between the furniture for any clues to explore further when suddenly.

[…… Life signals detected inboard. Abiding previous command, proceeding into inviting the life signals into the bridge]

A machine-like voice that seems like to be owned by a meek little girl suddenly resonated thorough out the hall. As the voice ends its talk, everyone from the party got wrapped up by a faint light. When seen from third person perspective, everyone seems to be trapped inside a column of light.

“Isn’t this…… alien style teleportation?”
“Uwa~ I don’t expect such SF development inside fantasy world”
“Could you guys be a little bit more serious?”

This kind of unusual phenomenon is not something unfamiliar with Renya and Floria. While the other party member are restless because of the so called tractor beam shining upon them, Renya and Floria gets excited instead and their  lands them a scolding from Brenda. And eventhough Brenda scolds them to be more aware, she also seems calm enough even with the sudden happening. As expected of the team number one in term of cool-headedness.
Their sight is plastered in white for a second and after the light abates, they realize that the scenery in front of their eyes had changed.

In front of their eyes is the inside view of the aforementioned elongated window on third floor. Under that window are wide arrays of console-like things that seem to be a tool used for inputting data like a keyboard. Those consoles are also completed with a chair and of course a kind of monitor like thing that shows mysterious characters. Renya and his party are present in such kind of SF room.
Brenda and the rest that are native of this world were appalled by the unimaginable scenery unfolding before them. But that doesn’t apply for Renya and Floria.

“Is this…… the bridge? This place is really well made like those hi-tech bridges in SF movies……”
“But the letter in the screen is the letter from this world. And the material also doesn’t seem that hi-tech…… eh?”

Even if earth is not that advanced yet to reach it, Renya and Floria are familiar with this kind of space ship’s bridge that always shows up on SF genre story. Without holding back, they start checking out around the bridge and try touching the console. But at that moment, they both realize something at the same time.

“”Divine power?””

That’s right. From the material that is impossible for this world technology to create, they can feel a faint trace of divine power mixed within it. Realizing that, they only have one answer for all this mysteries.

“This…… this ship is something that was made by a god from this world”
[That statement is correct]

The voice that they hear before resonates once again. Everyone look around the place trying to search the origin of that voice but the figure that own that voice is nowhere to be found. A machine sound can suddenly started up. Everyone move their sight to the noise source at the same time. At the noise source, a large screen descends from the ceiling. Seeing that, Renya smile wryly thinking that this ship really has everything SF related.
Projected on the screen is a beautiful little girl that seems to be about 12 years old.
She has a chestnut colored long straight hair and wears a simple one-piece dress. She doesn’t have any peculiar characteristic so in another meaning her peculiar-less features can be said as her own unique feature. The girl on the screen then starts talking expressionlessly.

[Greetings to the visitors that are able to reach the end of this dungeon. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the artificial spirit life form that is entrusted with the full authority over this ship. My name is Anrietta. It was a pleasure to meet you]
“Artificial spirit life-form…… so in short the fairy that commands this entire ship?”
[If that was how my honored guest see me as then I don’t have problem with that. But first, as per my creator command, I will show you a recorded message that my creator left behind. Honored guest, please watch it carefully]

Suddenly the thing projected on the screen changes. This world native trio seems to be already giving up trying to understand just what is happening with all these tools and gadget here. They can just ask the detail later from Renya and Floria. Only Therese still thinking hard trying to analyze the technology used on the mechanism here by using all the references that she had learnt before.

The video changed. The one projected on the screen now is a tall scholar-like man that wears glasses. But in contrast to the usual sloppy and messy scientist, he seems very neat with a clean white robe, well-ironed suit, and well-combed hair.

[A~…… First, I won’t think about what kind of being it was who succeeded in conquering the maze that I built and claim the prize.  After all I kept this maze as a secret in purpose, unrecorded in history and hidden. Because of that, those who had the luck to found this place and manage to conquer it have a high probability of not coming from the human race]

But in contrast with that neat appearance, that person word is very much negligent. Watching the recording, Renya and Floria have a somehow a feeling of unrest deep in their heart.

“I kinda feel a bizarrely ominous bad feeling from watching this... How about you Floria?”
“Un… I also have the same feeling. It was like if I keep on watching this video I would probably regret it-kind of feeling?”

But too bad they can’t stop playing the message video that was left from the creator. They just give up and focus their attention on the video again. They can only hope that their feeling is not up to the mark this time.

[Then believe it or not, I am a god. Well, I don’t know how many centuries or millennia that had passed until you reach this place but just in case my name had already been forgotten then please look up for a god named Irikutta to know more about me]
“Iri… E? Eeeeeeeeeeeeee?”

Therese suddenly let out a piercing shriek. She seems to be familiar with that name so everyone silently turn their face towards her asking for an explanation. Therese then timidly explains.

“Etto…… There is a myth about the god of amusement named Irikutta desu…… Most of the myth is about the god of amusement creates wondrous divine item jokingly then purposely left it in the mortal world to cause disturbance desu. According to the myth, he is a god that loves to do ‘prank’ very much desu… Of course that level of ‘prank’ is already beyond evil desu”
“Uwaa… My bad feeling is getting even worse”

The bad feeling that he felt before seems to be from him unconsciously sensing that the man before him is the same kind as he is, a god that do things as he pleases. And on top of it, the troubling myth left behind by him makes Renya bad premonition flares even more.
Of course myth are not something made by the concerned party but by stories handed down for generations so there should be a lot of false information and swerved truth mixed in so it might not necessarily be true. In the first place Renya considers myth and legend as a simple fictional story. Even most of the legends based on a true person in history have many truth and lies mixed in.
But limited to this world, such myth and legends based on a god activity might not be fiction at all. Furthermore, when the depicted god is entitled as [the god who loves to do pranks], people can’t help but to imagine how sinister that ‘prank’ is. Those who can stay calm in front of it are very limited.

[Okay then let’s get started, ladies and gentleman, I love prank very much. Let me say it again. I.LOVE.PRANK.VERY.MUCH!]

Renya felt a hint of cold in the back of his nape. This god is bad news. He really is just like the myth says. The other party members also think of the same thing as Renya.

[Especially when the toys I create spread great confusion amongst the mortal. Ah the fun of watching such situation is indescribable. There was once a great tribe that almost driven away to extinction from the aggression of a great empire until my toys found it place at the almost annihilated tribe. The confusion at that time is exhilarating! There also a time when my toys managed to turn over the power relation from its very root in a kingdom where the male are dominant and women are nothing but slaves. The overturned relation after was really a sight to see! Mankind is the best because they always give me unexpected reaction each time I meddle with them. For me, mankind is the best source of amusement!]
“Oookay… Isn’t he the kind of dangerous god that would face subjugation every time his presence detected?”
“A long time ago~, Father receives a request to subjugates a god who said similar lines like this one. He beat that god black and blue in no time at all”
“As expected of predecessor. I, too, should follow his noble footsteps”

Projected in the screen is the god of amusement Irikutta’s sinister smile. Renya and his party had already lost interest of listening to this crazy god talk seriously. They just keep on looking at the screen with cold eyes. Even their high spirits before from conquering the maze and finding the desired ship turn cold because of the appearance of the repulsive god.

[And this ship is the last toy from the great me! Eventhough fulfilling the need of residence by turning the bridge into mansion is stressed in the outer design, this toy still has many other hidden amazing function as well. Various armaments installed in the hull meaning that it is possible for you to wage war against millions with just this ship alone. It also can sail in the sea as well as in the sky. In the prow, there is this ship main battery that was made with the cooperation of the thunder god Aberg. If you feel like it, you can even conquer the world with this only one ship’s power. This I can guarantee]
“Why did you make such fearsome thing…… or rather why did you left it just like this……”

Renya experienced headaches from hearing this dangerous god monologue.
For this world current level of technology, describing this ship as over-technology is not enough. Far from enough.

[Why did I build this toy you ask? If you really ask for that then the answer is obviously because it is my hobby! I can make it so I did. I don’t have any regrets]
“I don’t want to hear such motive!”

The war god who also have quite a taste in creating things feel ridiculed by it and is about to break down crying.

[But let me claim this one thing clearly. Whatever the tool is, it doesn’t have any speck of sin whatsoever. The one making sin is the one who use the tool for evil purpose. Therefore, I as the creator of the tools also don’t have any sin whatsoever]
“No it already ended the moment you say such line……”

Agh I can’t stand it anymore someone please do something to this god!
There’s a high probability that other gods and powerful being that live in the same time as this annoying god would feel the same annoyance that I feel now. And then the next thing that Irikutta talks about is just as what Renya thought just now.

[But alas, because of the other gods got jealous of my brilliant genius mind, they band together and exiled me out from this world. Not stopping only at that my many toys even share the same fate as me of being banished out from this world. But how could I just stay silent from all this tyranny? I won’t let them banish all my toys out from this world. And this ship is the only masterpiece that I managed to hide in this world]
“Ah, so that’s why this place was hidden and forgotten from the annals of history……”

Brenda also can only sigh hearing such selfish remark.

“And while we were at it, rather than being jealous of his talent, they just simply saw him as a dangerous element because he kept meddling with the mortal with such frivolous reason which were resulted in great disaster most of the time. Am I right?”
“If this god has such a selfish thought pattern then he would already be treated as an evil god from the start right?”
“If I remember right, in the myth that I know, it seems that because he provoke other gods’ wrath he got exiled from the god realm immediately desu”

To Brenda and Renya opinion about this god, Therese adds more information. They all then have the same ‘as expected’ expression on their face as they nod to each other in agreement. Unknowing what the viewer opinion about him, projected on the screen, Irikutta getting more hyped up in continuing his long winded explanation.

[Therefore I don’t particularly wish for anything. The one that found this ship is you. How you will use it is up to you. Become the sole ruler of the sea and sky and travels wherever the wind blows is fine, going on the path of world domination by making the kingdoms in this world your vassal is fine, use it to destroys any great danger threatening you is fine, or maybe just dominate the world by destroying all the kingdom existed in this world is fine. Just use this ship as you saw it fit!]
“Why did he mention world domination twice?”
“Maybe he just wants to emphasizes how great this ship that he created is maybe~?”
“If he uses those inventions of his for peaceful purpose, he definitely will become a popular god. What a waste……”
“Maybe for him…… that side is much more interesting so he did?”
“For this kind of weird god, that kind of thought pattern is too much possible……”

Floria’s answer to Renya’s question has this weird persuasive power making him accept it reluctantly.

This god, even if he acts as the victim here, it is also a fact that he enjoyed watching what kind of influence will the things that he made bring to the mortal world. The more disturbances those things made, the happier he gets. Renya and Floria had already finalized their conclusion for this god.

[I entrust all of the authority of this ship function into the artificial spirit life-form that I made especially for this ship. After this video ends, just ask her the detail about how to bind the contract with her. I beg your pardon for forcing you accompany me to hear this god long winded grumbling]

Seeing Irikutta meek expression and his bowing figure as he apologizes somehow amazes Renya’s heart. Renya thinks that even though he has evil tendencies, he still has his pride as a god. His figure just now is enough to make Renya thinks that way.

[And if you are willing to fulfill this wish of mine ---- There should be a high possibility that the myth and legends about me would only talk bad about me. That’s why… that’s why! I want you people to please add a new virtuous passage about me! Help me restore my honor! Spread my greatness! Tell people about how great I am as the god of invention! As the god of art! Please let those facts spread out for the future generation! I beg you please! You should be capable of doing so because you are able to conquer my dungeon. That means you have the required strength, intelligence, and luck to propagates me to the world!]

Then the video suddenly stopped.
After begging such troublesome things the video just ended like that.
Everyone think that the meek figure from before seems to be just an illusion. How can they not think like that after they look at that stupid god unsightly figure begging at the end?

There should be no other god without dignity and troublesome like him again right? If the world is teeming with this kind of god then even Renya might have died from stress. Also, Renya realizes that the similar thing might also happen to him if he is careless. He once again admonishes himself to not step foot on the wrong path. He don’t know whether he will left behind a myth in the future but he sure don’t want the myth to be filled with a dark past that would make him feel ashamed when passed down to the future generation.

After a while, the girl from before is reappearing once again on the screen. Seeing her, the party simultaneously let out a sigh of relief.

[First I want to apologize to my honored guest for being forced to watch the video of my unsightly creator]
“No… well… what can I say…… You also had it hard don’t you? You have my condolences”
[I thank you for our kind words. Just thinking about that useless man was really my birth parent always gives me the impulse to blow myself along with the ship. But that useless creator had lock any command that would meant self destruction for the ship so it can’t be helped]

Anrietta tells her story with a humiliated expression in her face. That useless god should already predict that Anrietta would take that kind of action so he don’t just left the ship as is but already plan ahead to prevent things from going off from his scenario. Just how far will that useless god will go to make other people suffer? Knowing that thoroughness, Renya is disgusted from the depth of his heart.

[Then let me ask you once again, did honored guests wished to posses this ship?]
“If we don’t then what will you do?”
[If it could be done, then I wish honored guests would bond a temporary contract with me then order me to destroy myself afterwards]
“Wait a minute, isn’t that mean…”

It mean that the artificial life-form little girl Anrietta that is right in front of him now will disappear, it can also be said that she will die.
Anrietta quickly cut off Renya from finishing his question and confirm her will.

[It is exactly what you think. This ship is a tool that doesn’t have any other use except for destruction. I can find out what is happening in the world even from here and from what I learnt, the technology that honored guests recognize as ‘ancient technology’ didn’t even come close to this ship technology level. If this ship were to get out into the world it will only call for an even greater calamity. Greed will drive people to fight each other so they can possess this ship and the casualties will be unimaginable. After all, all of the creator inventions never show any decent result. Therefore, such a being like me isn’t supposed to be exist]

There was not any single hint of doubt in her expression as she said that. What can be felt from her now is only regret of ever being born and rebellious feeling toward her creator.
And Anrietta continues her reasoning for her demand.

[And above all, I don’t want to see man, the world to be thrown into chaos because of my fault. If honored guests ever did have a sliver feeling of pity toward me then please, I beg you to destroy this ship together with me]

In the expressionless Anrietta’s face, a little bit of pleading expression is formed.
Renya knows quite a bit about this so called artificial life-form but he never heard of one able to express such kind of emotion. Even if the creator is a god, the most that that artificial life-form can do is just obeying their creator command without being able to think for themselves much less having their own emotion. Because of Anrietta unique features, Renya was hesitant to fulfill this little girl request.

Anrietta plead is a sound argument.
 A too much overwhelming [power] without a strong mind to match and control it would only invites calamity. There was nothing wrong with that.
For those who held a lofty ambition in their heart, if they heard that there is a [power] that is more than enough to achieve what they want then it would be impossible to them to not move to try possessing that [power] with using everything that they have.

If they don’t know about it then it will be alright.
If they don’t see it then it will be alright.
Ignorance is bliss.

If this ship were to be eternally buried here, then the possibility of it bringing chaos to the world will positively be zero.

But Anrietta is mistaken about her opinion toward Renya.

“But I reject that! Indeed I said that Anrietta current situation is pitiful. But just because of that, there is no reason for you to die. If you want to know why ---- it was because I am also a god”

The man standing in front of him is no mere human. He is a real authentic god and one of the most marvelous there is. Anrietta just simply doesn’t know about it.
If a normal human can’t do that, a god should be somehow able to do it. Renya just openly declares it. Not because of haughtiness but because he belief in himself.


Looking at the war god who smile confidently, a befuddled face floats in the artificial spirit life-form little girl’s face which is really similar to a human little girl when she is confused.

Author notes: There should be no decent god in this world (conviction)

For better or worse, flag crusher is also one of Renya’s authority as a god.

Eros notes: 4000+ words *throws up.

Reading Anrietta’s dialogue remind me of chino from gochiusa.


  1. god of war with his strongest vehicle

    1. Perfect ride for the god of war lol

    2. god of war also playing kancole

  2. another harem member o.O?

    thank you for the chapter

  3. Ene? Virtual Waifu get? Is Renya going to do some voodoo god magic and make her become real?

    1. He is a god.I dont think he has any vodoo knowledge. So I think he'll just pull out a puppet like divine armement and let her posses it and remotely control the ship.

      Thanks for the chapter.

    2. your question about her 3D form has been answered in the next chapter haha


  4. ⊂⊃     (⌒⌒)
      Thanks    ||||| 
       Nepu!! / ~~~ \  ⊂⊃
      ⊂⊃ /  ^ω ^ \  ⊂⊃

  5. thank for the update

  6. Is it bad that I like and share a similar mindset to that regrettable prank God?
